Thursday, June 30, 2011


Where did my "I do it myself" kiddo go?  Connor has cunningly gone from that two year old, to a three year old that cannot dress himself or put his shoes on.  I didn't realize how much we have assisted him with the tasks that he used to do himself.  So now that my time is precious, I came up bribery.  He has a list of "chores" that he can earn stickers for, like getting dressed by himself, getting ready for bed, and staying in bed.  So far, it's working well.  If we help him, then he doesn't get a sticker.  He gets the stickers for bedtime and naptime.

Cassidy has been good at night and only up three times at night. Once in awhile she has a rough night and stays up for longer periods of time, but usually it's about 30 minutes total.  The only issue has been I rock myself to sleep and wake up when I get cold.  Oops. Haha. 

In the mornings, Cassidy likes to be worn in a wrap and then later in the day in her bed.  She is a sound sleeper, which is good b/c Connor likes to sing at the top of his lungs and march through the house.

Time to get going to swim class!