Still no sign of Cassidy coming out to see us yet. I spent the early afternoon with Kayla and John, her husband. Jake is chomping at the bit to come out because she graciously invited him to be present for the labor and delivery. Rather than risking the opportunity to watch Cassidy be born, he will fly out of Spokane tomorrow morning. Kayla told me if Jake wasn't here in time that I am the one to cut the umbilical cord. While I think I could do it without passing out, I would rather Jake cut it so I get to hold Cassidy! A huge thank you to Tim Fox for driving Jake to Spokane. It's the first time we've both been gone overnight from home for Connor. Hopefully he knows how to run the house while we are gone! Haha. I'm sure Grammie Gail will be perfectly fine without us home. Give those ponies some sugar cubes for me please.
So Jake lands in Detroit, MI at 3:30pm tomorrow and I'm not sure if Kayla will go with me or not. She has tomorrow off from work so if she doesn't want to go for the drive, I'm gonna get her up and go for a walk. She looked tired today, and says Cassidy feels like she's going to fall out, so hopefully she falls out tomorrow evening!
I've expected the 16th to be her birthday the whole time, so we'll see. I figure around 10pm tomorrow to 2am the 16th, so either I will look silly if I'm wrong, or crazy if I'm right.
I've been trying to stay busy. I've crocheted another hat and also a flower for a hat. Kayla likes to keep momentos and photos so I got a scrapbook and supplies for pictures. I got the page layouts done today and the first page is done with the ultrasound photos. The other pages just need pictures to put in and I plan to give her the book (with a charm bracelet I got for her) when we go to leave Ohio. I ran around and looked at baby clothes and came back with some little Mary Jane socks in pink and purple.
I know my way around here pretty well and the hardest part is driving the speed limit. It's 50mph on the main road, when it would be 35mph in Washington. These people don't dilly dally around!